I had the pleasure of being the Sound Designer for Strawberry Workshop Theater’s 2015 production of Our Town by Thornton Wilder. This show opened the larger black box theatre in the fabulous new 12th Avenue Arts Center. The cast was amazing, the show was a joy to work on, and was well received critically and by audiences. My work was minimal, as much of the sound was actor produced, but it was the first show I’ve done in over 30 years that I didn’t have to squeeze around my day-job as Chair of Performance Production at Cornish, as I had just retired in December. Who knew it was possible to do a sound design and actually sleep occasionally in the evening? Some images from the show below
Our Town Set at 12th Ave Arts
Pre-Show Mingling
Doc Gibs returns to town
The Webb family at breakast
Karen Gjelsteen as Professor Willard
Choir Practice
Opening Act 2
The Gibs before the wedding
George gets advice
George & Emily Learn something important
They Don’t Understand