2018 Amsterdam Trip

We’ll try to update this page with images and notes, depending on time, mood, and the state of the internet connection we will have in Amsterdam.

In the meantime, you can see the apartment we’ll be staying at here on their web page.

Art Apartment Amsterdam

We fly out on Friday, September 28 at 9:30am, and should arrive in Amsterdam at about 8:30am on Saturday, the 29th. More as things develop! We’ll put links here to each page as we get to them, with the first two days being presented here on this page.

Links to additional Amsterdam Vacation pages:

September 30, 2018, day 2 of our trip

October 1, 2018, day 3 of our trip

October 2, 2018, day 4 of our trip

October 4, 2018, day 6 of our trip

October 5, 2018, Day 7 of our trip

4:34 pm Seattle time, 01:34 Amsterdam time, Friday, September 28, 2018

No pics yet, but we’re in the air on the way to Amsterdam. The experiment of trying Delta “Comfort Plus” instead of business class is not a huge success. Plenty of legroom in our bulkhead seats, but they are standard width = narrow – and food and wine is much less delightful than business class – not awful, but seats don’t recline much further than steerage class, and the 3 inch loss on width  is worse than I’d hoped.

Also, we got used to being allowed 70 # weight limit on bags – it’s 50 pounds for two bags instead of 70# for three. So we had to bring a third bag to avoid the overage cost.

yeah, first world problems, I know.

anyway, we’re on the way, and tired enough to sleep anyway . More later

Happily, we’re on business class for the return trip.

13:20, Amsterdam Time, Saturday, September 29, 2018

Well, It’s later! We’re here in the apartment, and resting up from the flight – not much chance to sleep on the flight, and the seats weren’t conducive to much sleep anyway. Quick and easy customs entry, short taxi ride later, we arrived to find our host extremely personable and helpful. He insisted on carrying the heavier bags up the steep stairs himself, and spent about an hour with us showing the apartment talking about places to see, and showing us his studio workshop. The apartment is every bit as nice as it looks on the web, and is really a great size, in a nice neighborhood. Once we’ve recovered a bit, we’ll probably head out to get some late lunch-early dinner, but maybe not too much time walking around this evening until our backs settle down a bit – I think a good night’s sleep will do wonders. (this is kind of a reprise of our experience in flying to Bordeaux back in 2015 – hit the hotel and crash for 8 hours)

Anyway – here are some super quick shots to give a sense of the place – much more as we start to explore.

23:08 (11:08pm), Saturday, September 29, 2018

We crashed for a few hours, then got up around 7pm and headed out for dinner. We ate at a nearby Persian restaurant after trying to get in to a very popular seafood restaurant that turned out to need reservations – we’ll hit that one another night.

After a great dinner, we walked around a bit, shot a few photos, and headed back to the apartment where we will resume “crash-mode” as we’re still feeling the effects of the flight and the time shift. It’s about 9 hours “later” here than at home.

Links to additional Amsterdam Vacation pages:

September 30, 2018, day 2 of our trip

October 1, 2018, day 3 of our trip

October 2, 2018, day 4 of our trip

October 4, 2018, day 6 of our trip

October 5, 2018, Day 7 of our trip

Linda & Dave